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South East Business Boost Grant of up to 10,000

The South East Business Boost (SEBB) programme is providing free support to starts up and SMES within the South East Local Enterprise, which is made up of East Sussex, Kent & Essex.

The funding is coming from the EU, specially the European Regional Developmental Fund which funding will be available until the end of 2022 Applications will close August 2022 Always possible is a strategic development consultancy agency who are working on behalf of East Sussex County council to offer grant support for businesses and promote the program and get word out to as many businesses eligible possible. They also have a role to support businesses throughout the program, shaping a proposal to help decide if a particular grant is right for their business. Eligibility: SMES based in East Sussex Includes Sole Traders Includes business from outside East Sussex, but with a significant trading presence in the county Turnover of less than 50 million Euros Balance sheet less than 43 million Euros Less than 250 staff

A business that has not had support from SEBB or some other EU grants programmes before. This includes: SEBB Grants (round 1) SEBB Business supports ERDF Business Grant Exclusions to the following businesses: Fisheries and aquaculture Agriculture State Funded Education Banking & Insurance Synthetic fibres, textiles and clothing manufactures Shipbuilding, coal and steel

This programme is a project to show economic growth impact in the local region through Business Growth & Productivity. The purpose is to give grants that will fund spendings on capital expenditure that are linked to a business's future growth.

To check your eligibility please find the attached link:



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